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Screen Your Sunblock For Chemicals


By: Zane Fletcher

New Hampshire has survived the first two rounds of fake Spring, which means real Spring is right around the corner. With warmer temperatures means more time outside, and a higher level of exposure to harmful UV rays from the sun. The obvious answer to combat these rays is sunscreen, but not all sunscreen is equal!

The big sunscreen brands use a combination of chemicals to repel the damaging effects of UV radiation. The primary two chemicals – Oxybenzone and Octinoxate – are proven to be damaging to our bodies, to children, and to sea life. The damage to sea life, particularly coral reefs, is so extensive that popular tourist destinations like Hawaii and the Florida Keys have banned sunscreens containing these ingredients from their beaches. Scientists have calculated that one drop in six and a half Olympic-sized swimming pools is enough to kill coral. In the Florida Keys? They found 100x those levels.

It’s a logical assumption that chemicals causing such extensive damage to marine life cannot be good for our skin, and it’s absolutely true. These chemical sunscreens work based on an absorption system, where the skin absorbed the sunscreen to protect against UV rays. However, these chemicals are proven to get into the bloodstream and affect the endocrine and other systems. Oxybenzone and Octinoxate are frequently found in urine samples and breast milk even weeks after use. The FDA supports these findings, listing only zinc and titanium dioxide as “safe and effective” in a 2019 study.

At Concord Food Co-op, we primarily carry two brands of sunscreen: Badger and Alba Botanica. Badger is our largest line of mineral-based sunscreens, which do not contain these harmful chemicals. Mineral sunscreens work a little differently than chemical – instead of absorbing into the skin, they sit atop the dermis and reflect the UV rays away. Because they do not need to absorb to be effective, they work instantly whereas chemical sprays need time to become effective. Badger is safe for your skin, your children, and for the environment.

Alba Botanica mineral sunscreen has all the qualifications as Badger, and their other spray sunscreens have a similar list of positives. The Alba spray sunscreen in cruelty free, plant based, biodegradable, recyclable, and contains no artificial colors. Additionally, there are no parabens, phthalates, sulfates, or artificial colors. Also missing? Oxybenzone and Octinoxate, those harmful chemicals from earlier.

There are still one or two fake springs to go before we are truly released into the wild, but there is no time like the present to stock up on outdoor goods. Our sunscreen is located outside the Customer Service counter adjacent the first aisle of produce and is conveniently next to our bug repellent (also all-natural and synthetic-free) for a one-stop outdoors shop!

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The Dirty Dozen

Every year the Environmental Working Group (EWG) puts out a dirty dozen list, identifying the 12 fruits and vegetables that contain the most pesticides. According

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